Click here for my Google citations page and here for my ResearchGate page.
- Kight, CR, and Soren, R. Going global: developing a decolonisation module across institutional and national boundaries. In: Reflections on Decolonising: Shaping the Future of UK Education Post-George Floyd (Elhinnawy, H., ed). Palgrave Macmillan. In preparation.
- Kight, CR, Ghemmour, R*, Cook, E*, Mohamud, F*, Cook, I, Roland, T, and Vinashe, T. Decolonisation toolkits: Equipping staff and students to challenge and rebuild. In: Reflections on Decolonising: Shaping the Future of UK Education Post-George Floyd (Elhinnawy, H., ed). Palgrave Macmillan. In preparation.
- Kight, CR. Personal knowledge management as posthuman inquiry. Routledge. In preparation.
- Kight, CR. Drawing inspiration: creative expression as an agent of knowledge and transformation. In The Making Academic (Lemon, N., ed.). Routledge. In preparation.
- Clancy, MW, Kight, CR, Stein, J, Wilson, A, and Kyle, RG. Co-producing a ‘creative toolkit’ to support the mental health and wellbeing of palliative care professionals: a community case study. Frontiers in Sociology. In submission.
- Kight, CR and Henderson, H. 2025. Building a bridge between analogue and digital with LEGO® Serious Play®. In G. Roushan, M. Polkinghorne, & U. Patel (Eds.), Innovative and Engaging Use of Technology to Enhance Student Learning Within Higher Education: Real-World Case Studies.
- Kight, CR. (2024). Case study: Appreciative Self-Study. In H. King (Ed.), Artistry of Teaching in Higher Education: Practical Ideas for Developing Creative Academic Practice (pp. 237-239). Routledge. (3 pages)
- Kight, CR and Lemon, N. 2024. Finding self through acts of creativity. In A. Martin, M. Edwards, & N. Ashkanasy (Eds.), Handbook of Academic Mental Health. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Kight, CR. (2023). ‘Decolonising the Curriculum Toolkit’. Published in the British Sociological Association’s acKnowledge Repository:
- Kight, CR. (2023). ‘Decolonising Geography Goal Map’. Published in the British Sociological Association’s AcKnowledge Repository:
- Kight, CR. and Henderson, H. (2022). Building an institutional LEGO® culture using a community of practice approach. In C. Nerantzi & A. James (Eds.), Lego® for university learning: online, offline and elsewhere (pp. 70-72). DOI 10.5281/zenodo.7421754. 3 pages.
- Kight, CR., Pulman, S.*, and Walshe, K. (2022). Building bridges: using LEGO® to foster communication, collaboration, and connection. In C. Nerantzi & A. James (Eds.), Lego® for university learning: online, offline and elsewhere (pp. 73-75). DOI 10.5281/zenodo.7421754. 3 pages.
- Harris, L and Kight, CR. (2022). Students supporting educators: are you harnessing the talent of your own graduates? THE Campus.
- Koeners, M, Comley, S, and Kight, CR. (2022). Playful University: supporting the link between joy and learning. Jisc Digital Culture.
- Kight, CR and Henderson, H. (2021). Serious play: building knowledge with LEGO bricks. THE Campus.