I am passionate about finding creative ways to educate, no matter the audience or the setting. This is something I frequently lecture on, and in order to keep my content fresh I often try my hand at new techniques. The below projects are a few examples of outputs I have created while experimenting with new media.
I enjoy making art as a means of reflection, expression, and education -- and I pursue art projects both as a creator, on my own, and in the context of teaching. Below you can see some examples of my work:
Over the years, I have picked up skills in planning, storyboarding, scripting, editing, and producing videos. I have used these to create a variety of learning resources and other outputs -- for example the animated video below, used to explain an education initiative at the University of Exeter. I also oversaw the production of a series of short films for a British Council-funded initiative about decolonisation.
I used to host a radio show/podcast called The Wild Side, and continue to lecture on podcast creation. I also occasionally guest host or produce podcasts -- such as episode 45 of The Ikigai Podcast, in which I interview host regular Nick Kemp about his new book. I still enjoy collecting interesting audio recordings when I travel -- such as the sounds featured in the Soundcloud playlist below.
I studied photography in high school, where I took my first artistic photos with a homemade pinhole camera. I have since graduated to slightly more advanced technology. I most enjoy photographing wildlife and the interesting and unusual sights that I come across when traveling, but I am neither a wildlife nor a travel photographer (nor is my equipment up to snuff for either of those purposes!). I just like capturing scenes that make me think. Several of my photographs have been published over the years on webpages, in magazines and newsletters, in books, and in marketing materials.